Sunday, June 8, 2008

On the verge of adventure

I feel that I am being very ambitious in my hopes to consistently update this blog. I apologize ahead of time for the slacking that may ensue on my part, or the dry and droll entries which may serve as poor excuses for educated writing.
So with the disclaimer as my preface, I suppose I begin my first entry. 
I'm still slightly exhausted from the fatigue of finals and moving out of the dorm (my roommate, Laura, and I own way more stuff than I ever thought could fit in a college dorm room). But I have had a restful 2 days with Laura's family who has been so kind as to feed me and let me sleep and provide me with hours of good conversation and entertainment. They're such a blessing! I have been somewhat homesick this week, though. It's an unfamiliar feeling that I haven't really experienced since I unsuccessfully spent the night at my neighbor's house when I was 10. Watching all my friends go home to their families and summer plans, I wish I had some time to spend with my parents and brothers, but I guess I'll hold out for another month.
Josh picked up Kaitlin and I and we went to Dr. Segall's (the professor leading our trip) house for our first class today. We discussed the book Age of Iron which we just read, as well as the trip itinerary. I'm trying to relax all I can tomorrow, because once I get to the airport a 4am Tuesday, I'm not going to have much of a break till July 12. Our calendar is packed with class time, museum visits, habitat for humanity,visiting an orphanage, safaris, writing papers and reading books - I'm a little intimidated by the intensity of the trip, but so excited to have such a wonderful opportunity! 

Also, some potentially exciting news: Kaitlin is pulling some strings, and it looks like we might be able to personally meet Desmond Tutu! 

My least favorite activity in the world is packing. Specifically packing light. However, I've procrastinated long enough, and need to bite the  bullet. 

I love you all,
take care!


Charis & Josh said...

Yay for blogging!! Thanks Kali :)I hope your flight is amazing tomorrow! I am so excited for you!

Andrea Green said...

We are so excited that you will be blogging this trip. We can't wait for the updates and will check frequently. Have a great trip. All our love, The Green Family

Anonymous said...

hey love! i'm glad you are going to try to blog your trip! can't wait to read about all the stuff you are going to do!

Unknown said...

I hope your trip is absolutely amazing! And that all the traveling is safe!

Question, how does Kaitlin know Tutu?

Bobby Chinn said...

Hey Kali, I expect to see some pictures of you in a safari outfit, a gun by your side, and your foot on the head of a fallen elephant!