This morning Christian took a look at my shorts and tshirt ensemble and said, "Kali, you look nice today." I thanked him, and told him that I appreciate the compliment. He replied: "You look a lot more put together than you have the past couple of days."
I guess the tshirt was a step up from the pool towel I've been sporting.

Or maybe, it was the fact that I was standing next to Andrew, our homeless potter-in-training brother, that made me look so put together.

Andrew cleaned up and went grocery shopping with me today:

Andrew: "Kali, why are you taking a picture?"
Kali: "Because I might blog about this."
Andrew: "Grocery shopping?" And then he proceeded to make some comment about my assumption that other people will be interested in my mundane life.
Kali: "I just figure it's best to take pictures all day, and then at the end of the day I can choose the most exciting ones."
Andrew: "If this is the most exciting part of your day . . . . "
What, Andrew? What are you going to do if I think grocery shopping is exciting?
Speaking of exciting, I played Quelf last night with the bros and Peter and his brother William.

Quelf is hardly mundane, Andrew.
And Emily ran errands with me, and kept me company afterwards.

And we entertained ourselves.


It looks like my wink sparkled. HA.
Mundane my foot.